CNR-GPGENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CONARA brief descripction of Conar's activities, business lines and priorities. |
CNR-TLIMPORTANT MILESTONES IN THE HISTORY OF CONARTimeline of the events that shaped the development of our company. |
CNR-LCLIST OF THE PRODUCT LINES CARRIED BY CONARA summary of the product lines handled by Conar, including both products manufactured by the company and those sourced from commercial partners. |
CNR-CRCERTIFICATE ISSUED BY RINA FOR THE CONAR's ISO-9001 APPROVALCertificate No 11020/04. Originally Issued on May-26-2004. |
CNR-IQCERTIFICATE ISSUED BY IQNET FOR THE CONAR's ISO-9001 APPROVALCertificate No IT-36252, Originally Issued on May-26-2004. Update on Jul-03-2019 |
CNR-RSREFERENCE TECHNICAL STANDARS FOLLOWED BY CONARList of the main international technical standards that are followed by the products manufactured or marketed by Conar. |
CNR-CCNATIONAL SALE CONDITIONSSet of commercial conditions to which are subject to all national sales made by Conar.Are applicable in all cases, and have priority over all the purchase documentation issued by the customer. |
CNR-STGENERAL CONDITIONS FOR THE EXECUTION OF TECHNICAL SERVICESTechnical Service Conditions applicable to all products manufactured by Conar and/or its commercial partners.Very important: Before you send an used product to Conar, You need to fill and transmitt the attached Cleaning Declaration. |